CrossFit & Recovery
Saltwater Athletics: Fitness for the Mind, Body and Spirit.
Each workout offers the opportunity for us to tap into humility, perseverance, discipline and growth
CrossFit & Recovery
At Saltwater Athletics, we believe that every member who enters our door carries a lifetime of experiences that shape who you are today. Perhaps you’re looking for an activity to help you escape the noise of your daily life – but here, we’re going to encourage you to use your unique lived experiences to push harder and strengthen our community.
We are not your typical fitness facility. Here, we believe that a desire to recover enables our members to believe that your body really is a temple. Whether you’re recovering from addiction, an eating disorder, a bad marriage, a natural disaster, a traumatic event, a tough childhood or any other adversity – you belong here.
Our members come from all walks of life. The person sweating next to you may be a first responder, or they may have been homeless five years ago. In fact, they may be both. Our community believes intensely that the path to a life of joy, confidence and strength often emerges from difficulty, pain and fear.
When you walk through the doors of Saltwater Athletics, you’re home. We want you to set aside your fears of not being good enough, strong enough, fast enough, thin enough, and remind you that here, you are more than enough. Without you, there is no Saltwater Athletics.
Saltwater Athletics is proudly part of the Surfside family.
Surfside Recovery Services is a non-profit based out of Ventnor, NJ. Our mission is to end the cycle of chronic substance use and help folks build successful lives & contribute to society in a meaningful way.

While humility is often defined as the “absence of ego or pride,” we think of humility as the genuine desire to be better, do better, and contribute to the success of others. At Saltwater Athletics, humility correlates with prioritizing proper form over the heaviest lift, with embracing feedback, and a willingness to grow.

Group fitness workouts drive us to push through difficult moments. We dig deep and find a feeling of immense success when we ignore the voice that tells us to quit. We are amazed by what our bodies can do.

Ben Bergeron, a leader in the CrossFit community, says “Talent without grit is just potential.” Discipline means committing to a goal, then utilizing your community and support network to move swiftly and confidently in that direction. Tune out the noise and focus.