At Saltwater, we are incredibly passionate about physical health and well-being.  Every burpee, box jump, and pullup is specifically calculated to keep you on the road to a healthy body.  Our programming of constantly-varied, high-intensity functional movements can not only transform your body, but it can be the cornerstone of change for a healthy mind. Don’t believe us? What if the 4x Fittest Man on Earth had something to say about CrossFit and recovery?

Well, as it turns out, he does. Mat Fraser, the 4x Fittest Man on Earth (and absolute beast), has been an outspoken supporter of CrossFit as a means of promoting one’s mental health. In particular, as a recovering addict, Mat highlights CrossFit as a key contributor in his overall recovery from addiction. At Saltwater, you will hear the term “recovery” quite often. Exactly what do we mean by recovery, and how can CrossFit play a role?

To us, recovery is your ability to cope with life’s unfortunate circumstances. Perhaps you have suffered from addiction. Maybe you are having marital problems. Or in all reality, you just can’t seem to get out of bed in the morning and experience the joys of life.   Everyone is suffering from something that life throws at them.

Well, whatever the case may be, you can recover from any of these obstacles. You have the ability to summon an incredible amount of strength to endure the inevitable hardships that come your way. As humans, we have incredible capacity to learn and grow from any situation, but many of us cut ourselves short and give up right before we reach the mountaintop.

In his interview, Pursuit for Better, Mat reflects on his own struggles, and how he has found strength and hope through CrossFit and recovery.

If you have some time, we strongly recommend you check out Mat’s full interview.

Can we promise that you will become the fittest man or woman on earth while training at Saltwater? Absolutely not. But what we can promise you is that our comprehensive programming, supportive staff, and family-atmosphere will give you the tools to overcome anything life throws at you. You will develop a vehicle for physical and mental change every time you step through our doors. You will learn to set goals for yourself, in your personal, athletic, and professional life. It doesn’t matter what the goal is, or how far away it may seem. All that matters is that you run, jump, climb, or burpee your way towards.

We are looking forward to welcoming you into our family to start your CrossFit and recovery journey!